Coming soon! An actual blogpost! We'll be doing a playthrough of the long-anticipated Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, developed by MercurySteam with supervision from Kojima Studios.
Day 1 will involve an unboxing of the Limited Edition released in the States, as well as a three-hour (or more) play-through akin to my Parasite Eve run, though hopefully more well thought out and laid out. Spoilers will be minimal, only covering the beginning of the game. When the game is wrapped up, I'll hunker down and do a full review in its own post, so those who don't want to have gameplay mechanics and such spoiled won't have to worry.
Also stay tuned for an Enslaved playthrough and review as soon as LoS is wrapped up. I don't know about you guys, but playing as a buff monkeyman with a hot, redheaded slave-driver really gets my biscuits buttered.
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